Sunday, February 06, 2005

Welcome to my blog!

Greetings if you were led here by my column on the editorial page of today's Berkshire Eagle. If not, then this link will lead you to it:,1413,101%257E9694%257E2694727,00.html

A word about my rating system: First, let me emphasize its subjectivity. The numerical grade represents my response to a specific viewing under specific conditions. It is an index of my own enthusiasm. It will naturally change for a given film, from viewing to re-viewing. I won't be falsely modest about my critical acumen, but neither will I be taken to be applying some sort of objective grade. (When available I will also include Metacritic and Rotten Tomatoes critical consensus scores, for the sake of "objective" comparison.)

On my 10 point scale, *10* equals A+, *9* equals A, and so forth. *7* (B+) is my threshold of confident recommendation. Anything less than *5* I consider unworthy of my time.

1 comment:

Steve Satullo said...

I urge all visitors to this blog to comment freely on any movie discussed.