Thursday, January 06, 2005

Vincent, Francois, Paul et les Autres

I’d been waiting for this to come out on dvd, but after watching Nelly... decided I had to watch Claude Sautet’s much earlier favorite of mine again right now. Strangely, this story of a group of middle-aged, middle-class men failing at work and at love, but finding some consolation in their own abrasive friendships, did not move me as much as it did thirty years ago, but it was highly watchable, with the always gravely charming Yves Montand, the indispensible Michel Piccoli, and a very young and trim Gerard Depardieu in the cast. Stephane Audran and Marie Dubois provide gracenotes as the ex-wives who love but cannot stand their husbands. Nothing much happens except the friction of real life, but the large cast is artfully choreographed into a pageant of the mundane. (1975, vhs, r.) *7*

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