Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Never Let Me Go

Don’t let this one go by.  Mark Romanek’s adaptation of a Kazuo Ishiguro novel received some lukewarm reviews, but I’m with those who see its virtues.  Foremost among them is Carey Mulligan -- I believe I could watch the subtle movements of her kewpie-doll face for the duration and be content.  The suddenly ubiquitous Andrew Garfield also seems to be inherently interesting.  And here Keira Knightley has something within her range.  They are residents of a not quite right British boarding school some decades ago, in this strangely-retro speculative fiction of cloning to harvest organs.  There, I’ve given it away.  And will do so more by comparing this film to Gattaca in its thoughtful addressing of questions of genetic ethics.  The three characters are earlier played by a younger trio who mirror them nicely.  The film is prettily shot by and I found Rachel Portman’s music to be appropriately lugubrious and meditative.  Aside from the set-up, I leave the mystery and romance to unfold for you step by quiet step – it won’t make you happy but it will hold your attention, and give you plenty to think over afterward.  (2010, MC-69) 

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