Saturday, May 15, 2010


Andrew Bujalski established a personal, homemade style in Funny Ha-Ha and Mutual Appreciation, but with Beeswax he has developed his process to an audience-friendly sophistication, worthy of comparison to Cassavetes or Rohmer. Some of the appeal definitely derives from the twin sisters, Tilly and Maggie Hatcher, who play twin sisters, one a wheelchair-bound ant earnestly confronting business problems with her vintage clothing store in Austin, Texas, the other a boyfriend-dumping grasshopper trying to figure out what to do with her life. The former, whose disability is totally taken for granted, turns to a bemused old friend, about to take the bar exam, for help with legal issues in a retail partnership that has gone sour. Nothing much happens, and that’s a good thing, as the extremely naturalistic dialogue and delivery -- an articulated inarticulacy -- opens up to unexpected depths of humor and feeling. It’s enjoyable to spend time in the company of these likable but layered young women, as well as Alex Karposky in the role of the would-be lawyer, would-be boyfriend. You definitely should make it your business to see Beeswax -- it’s sweet and will stick in your mind. (2009, dvd.) *7* (MC-70)

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