Wednesday, November 22, 2006


After Spellbound and Word Wars, this documentary might seem redundant and derivative, but in the viewing actually comes across as fresh and lively. A live crossword competition seems unlikely from the get-go, and nothing new after similar sagas about spelling bees and Scrabble games, but director Patrick Creadon and his mostly-family team of filmmakers have used music and graphics and celebrity interviews to liven up the proceedings. Bill Clinton, Jon Stewart and other crossword enthusiasts are crosscut with crossword constructors and NYT editor Will Shortz to give a rounded (or foursquare) picture of a benign obsession. And somehow they manage to jazz up this epic confrontation of nerds with Wide World of Sports pizzazz in a way that actually draws the viewer into the contest of a group who are not all that exciting up close and personal. Afterwords [sic], I had to grab the Sunday Times magazine and take a shot at the puzzle. After spending nearly the running time of the movie in cogitation, I had it just about half filled in. Oh well, I’m never going to play big league baseball or basketball either. (2006, dvd, n.) *7+* (MC-73.)

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