Sunday, April 30, 2006

Dear Readers

Your numbers are not legion, but your response has been appreciated. I will resume writing for you, and not just mumbling to myself. In fact I will be grateful to have an ongoing outlet for my own voice, now that I’m embarking on a project to compile and edit a book of essays by Tom Krens, director of the Guggenheim and friend of mine since freshman days at Williams forty years ago.

I’ve just posted my filmlog for April, much of which was devoted to films ranked high in the Village Voice critics’ poll of 2005. Soon I will post my response to the poll as a whole, and thereafter resume posting film by film, striving for concise completeness instead of simply recording my opinion. But I confess I’m unlikely to proceed with technical refinements to this website that I have long contemplated. Yet I hope my film commentaries offer some service, and that you will bookmark this site and return periodically.

Thank you for your attention and your responses. Further comment is welcome:

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