Friday, May 13, 2005

Good Bye, Lenin!

Endearingly slapdash, this film is notable for giving of glimpse of how the fall of the Berlin Wall looked from the other side. A boy who wanted to grow up to be a cosmonaut winds up after ’89 as an installer of satellite tv dishes. Meanwhile his mother, a true believer in socialism, has had a heart attack and fallen into a coma while her world is turned upside down. When she re-awakes (and her daughter has already proudly donned the uniform of Burger King), the son endeavors to recreate the socialist republic within the confines of her bedroom, so she shouldn’t be shocked into another attack. His attempt to rewind socialism in one room is an amusing recapitulation in reverse of the changes that swept over the communist world in a matter of months. (2003, dvd, n.) *6+* (MC-68, RT-88)

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